Student Voices

Everyone's Columbia story is unique, which is why we are excited to share them!

Interested in sharing your story? Let us know by filling out this Google Form or email us at [email protected]

The views and perspectives students share within University Life's Student Voices blogs are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Columbia University in the City of New York, or the Office of University Life.


In honor of Women's History Month, Sara Rashidi '23MPH shares her story of her family's move to California from Iran and how the women in her famil

At the age of eight, Krisna J Panchal (SEAS ‘25), already knew how to change the faucet and remove the pipes below her kitchen sink to fix a le

An interview with University Life Executive Vice President Dennis Mitchell on his journey from a junior hockey champion in Toronto to championing i

Hear from first-generation students at Columbia who shared a bit about their stories, motivation, and what led them to the University.


Your stories on Instagram.

Jessica Balistreri
Jessica Balistreri (GSAS)

“I come from an immigrant family and I’m the first person in my family to go to college...I went into academia not only to do it for my family but to empower other women. So I can set an example for others after me...”

Krisna Panchal (SEAS)
Krisna Panchal (SEAS)

“My mom has been working for minimum wage for 28 years and seeing her leave for work at 4PM on one day and coming back at 6AM the next day just so our family can stay afloat in America, drove me to make the most of the education I had the privilege of getting here. Her hard work and grit continues to motivate me today as I try to harness all the opportunities here at Columbia.”

Maya Katerina Kashapov (Climate School)
Maya Katerina Kashapov (Climate School)

"I feel like I’ve had a lot of firsts in my life. My high school opened the year that I started there so I was in the first class of my high school. Now the same thing is happening at the Climate School. I’m in the first class there. I’m also the first one in my family to get any sort of college degree. So the fact that I'm doing a masters is huge for me and my family both."

Keshia Pershad (SPS)
Keshia Pershad (SPS)

“I want to make sure I’m showing people that look like me, and come from what I’ve been through, that you can do it and you can do it anywhere. Don’t sell yourself short. I didn’t think I was going to get into a Columbia grad program ever. I think future generations seeing people that look like them go through it and be a resource for them and give them some tips along the way is helpful."

Olivia Cordingley (CSSW)
Olivia Cordingley (CSSW)

"Be open and honest about the fact that you're a first generation student because if anything, I think it’s a very big strength to go a path that hasn't come before you. It shows a lot of hard work, and self-reliance, and resilience, and to just be proud about the fact that they are first-gen.”

Nia Augustine (MPH)
Nia Augustine (MPH)

“I feel that for me to share my first-gen identity is to say: 'hey, I’m being vulnerable with you and I’m letting you know that I’m coming from a place that I do not know'. I am the first. I am a trailblazer. I feel that it highlights my strength, my resilience and willingness to go beyond the standard that was placed in front of me.”